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Alumni Brightcrowd

The Zeta Chapter has launched an initiative to refresh our alumni directory. Our last comprehensive update of the alumni database was in 2013, but much of the information we collected at the time does not reflect the ways in which we communicate now: email, mobile devices, and various other online platforms. By getting connected with us through BrightCrowd, we improve communication between brothers and make sure the Crescent gets distributed accurately---each edition of the Crescent tends to result in between 20 and 100 returned copies, the majority due to defunct addresses. By getting in touch, you can help us connect brothers with opportunities (social and professional!) and stay up to date about our chapter's business.


The phrase “people join people” rings true not only for active brothers but alumni as well! From the active brothers of Zeta Chapter, thank you to all of our alumni that have remained connected to our chapter and supported us in your own achievements and our aspirations. Walking around the halls of 203 Highland Ave, it is truly impossible not to be inspired by the great men who have pursued a broader and better agriculture.

We look forward to continuing to make better men!


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